The Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation (CIRCA) marked its 10-year anniversary on Thursday, October 10th, with a special event at UConn Avery Point. The event, held from 10 am to 12:30 pm, highlighted CIRCA’s mission to help Connecticut’s vulnerable communities become more resilient to the growing impacts of climate change.
The event began with opening remarks from UConn’s Vice President for Research, Pamir Alpay, followed by a congratulatory message from U.S. Senator Chris Murphy’s office, delivered by his Outreach Coordinator, Erin McBride, celebrating CIRCA’s decade of service. Katie Dykes, Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), also spoke, emphasizing DEEP and CIRCA’s collaborative efforts in advancing climate resilience, particularly through the DEEP Climate Resilience Fund (DCRF) and highlighting the partnership between agencies and academic partners as a national model for climate services to help municipalities make proactive investments in climate resilience.
James O’Donnell, CIRCA’s Executive Director and a Professor of Marine Science at UConn shared his insights into CIRCA’s progress over the past decade, emphasizing the Resilient Connecticut Program and the institute’s work with over 110 municipalities across the state. O’Donnell also underlined the importance of state agency collaboration and the Resilience Roadmap for Connecticut, a document which provides a pathway forward for the state as we continue to experience the impacts of climate change: Resilience-Road-Map-Recommendations-for-Connecticut-9524-V2.pdf (uconn.edu).pdf.
The event also included a bipartisan legislative panel, moderated by Joseph McDougald, Executive Director of the Center for Energy & Environmental Law and Professor in Residence at UConn Law School. The panel included notable state legislators: Senators Christine Cohen, Tony Hwang, Cathy Osten, and Heather Somers, and State Representatives Aundré Bumgardner and Irene Haines. The legislators were appreciative of the efforts of CIRCA and UConn, and praised the collaborations with state government in supporting Connecticut’s towns and cities in preparing for climate-related challenges. The discussions included key questions about improving outreach and funding for storm preparedness and resilience across Connecticut and explored the state's existing programs and areas needing more attention.

KEYNOTE SPEAKER Katie Dykes is the Commissioner of Connecticut’s Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP). She has served since 2019, when she was first nominated by Governor Ned Lamont, and was re-confirmed in February 2023 to serve in Governor Lamont’s second term. Katie previously served as Chair of the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) from 2015-2018, and as Deputy Commissioner for Energy at Connecticut DEEP from 2012-2015. Katie also serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, Inc. (RGGI). Katie joined CT DEEP in March 2012 after prior service in the White House Council on Environmental Quality and the U.S. Department of Energy. She is a graduate of Yale College and the Yale Law School.
- Pamir Alpay, UConn, VP for Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
- Jim O’Donnell, UConn CIRCA, Executive Director
- Commissioner Katie Dykes, CT DEEP
- Joseph McDougald, Executive Director of the Center for Energy & Environmental Law and Professor in Residence at UConn Law School
- State Representative Aundre Bumgardner
- Senator Heather Somers
- State Representative Irene Haines
- Senator Tony Hwang
- Senator Cathy Osten
- Senator Christine Cohen
- Erin McBride, A representative from the office of US Senator Chris Murphy granting award to Jim O'Donnell
- Pamir Alpay, UConn, VP for Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
10:00 | Welcome and Introduction Pamir Alpay, UConn, VP for Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship |
10:05 | Legislative Award A representative from the office of US Senator Chris Murphy |
10:20 | CT DEEP Address Commissioner Katie Dykes, CT DEEP |
10:45 | CIRCA Introduction Jim O’Donnell, UConn CIRCA, Executive Director |
11:00 | Panel Panel discussed the role of the state in mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change. Moderated by Joseph McDougald, Executive Director of the Center for Energy & Environmental Law and Professor in Residence at UConn Law School. Panelists include:
12:00-12:30 | Networking Session Posters on recent research on display. |

Andre Bumgardner
Democratic representative of 41st House district representing Groton and Stonington.
Assistant Majority Leader
Serves on Finance, Revenue & Bonding, Planning & Development, and Environment Committees.
Groton Town Council. More

Christine Cohen
Democratic State Senator for 12th District representing Branford, Guilford, Madison and North
Deputy President Pro Tempore
Chair of Transportation Committee, Vice Chair Banking, Member of General Law, Children, Finance, Revenue & Bonding.
Co-Chair of Coastal Caucus More

Irene Haines
Republican State Rep for 34th District representing East Haddam, East Hampton, Salem.
On Education, Higher Ed and Employment Advancement, Planning and Development Committees.
First Selectman of East Haddam. More

Tony Hwang
Republican Senator for 28th District representing Fairfield, Easton, Newtown
Chief Deputy Republican Leader
Ranking member Insurance & Real Estate, and Transportation
Member Finance, Revenue & Bonding, Planning and Development More

Cathy Osten
Democratic State Senator for 19th District representing Norwich, Sprauge, Ledyard, west to Columbia, Marlborough
Deputy President Pro Tempore
Chair of Appropriations, Vice Chair Public Safety and Security
Serves on General Law, Legislative management, regulation review, transportation, Veteran’s Affairs More

Heather Somers
Republican State Senator for 18th District representing Groton, Stonington, municipalities north along RI border to Plainfield and Sterling
Former mayor of Groton
Ranking member on Public Health Committee
Executive and Legislative Nominating Committee More
All photos by Stan Godlewski