Planning for a Network of Resilience Hubs for Community Preparedness in Connecticut

Wednesday, April 30, 2025
10 am – 3:00 pm
Swift Factory
10 Love Lane, Hartford, CT 06112


CIRCA logo No title


Through the Resilient Connecticut project, CIRCA is partnering with municipalities, COGs, state agencies, technical planning teams, and community stakeholders to develop innovative solutions to local and regional climate challenges. This workshop is intended for members of community-based organizations and state agencies interested in the resilience hub concept.
With funding from the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, we invite you to join us for a workshop at the Swift Factory to:
  • Understand the concept and importance of Resilience Hubs
  • Learn from experts and case studies on starting and operating resilience hubs
  • Foster networking and partnership-building among participants
  • Collaboratively design resilience hub strategies adapted to local needs

This workshop is intended for members of Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Council of Governments (COGs) and state agencies interested in the Resilience Hub concept.

Keynote Speaker

Erica Pinket, Climate & Resilience Planner
City of BaltimorePinket Head Shot

Erica Pinket, MPS-EDM is a community advocate who lends her subject matter expertise in support of disaster preparedness with clean and renewable solutions. As a published emergency management academic and clean energy fellow, she authored original strategies for active shooter preparedness for the disability community, as well as disaster plans implemented across the country. Erica applies her public policy experience to help advance Baltimore’s hazard mitigation, disaster preparedness, and greenhouse gas emission reduction goals. More: Baltimore Office of Sustainability

Workshop Agenda


9:30-10:00 Arrival, Registration, Coffee
10:00-10:15 Welcome & Opening Remarks
  • Speaker: John Truscinski, Director of Resilience Planning, CIRCA
  • Topic: Overview of CIRCA’s mission, work and the resilience hub concept.
10:15-10:45 Keynote Presentation
  • Speaker: Erica Pinket, Climate and Resilience Planner, City of Baltimore
  • Topic: Establishing a Resilience Hub Network in Maryland
10:45-11:15 Presentation
  • Speaker: Eleanor Shoreman-Ouimet, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, UConn DISASTER Team
  • Topic: Addressing Disaster Preparedness-Disparity in Connecticut: Cultivating trust and increasing resilience through effective and equitable risk communication
11:15-12:15 Panel Discussion: Leaders from Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) will explore the essential components for establishing a resilience hub and discuss the potential challenges communities may face in the process.
12:15-1:00 Lunch
1:00-1:05 Overview of the Afternoon Session
1:05-2:05 Interactive Activity - Resilience Hub Design Challenge
    2:05 -2:50

    Report back ideas from the breakout sessions, Q and A/Open Discussion

    2:50 – 3:00 Closing remarks


    Parking map


    Funding for this workshop is provided by the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP)

    CT Energy and environment