Connecticut Coastal Towns Vulnerability Index Dataset

Brief Description | Dataset Content | Temporal Coverage | Spatial Coverage | Update Schedule | Usage Restrictions | Detailed Description | Documentation | Related File Naming & Structure Information | Download | Citation | Contact | Disclaimer

Brief Description:

The dataset includes the GIS maps for the Coastal Vulnerability Index Viewer.

Dataset Content:

GIS shapefiles and the metadata for each contributor and contributor layer are given individually. The source files for all of them are linked separately. The dataset also includes a map package for all the contributor layers, all the vulnerability layers, and the weighted vulnerability layers separately.

Temporal Coverage:

The temporal coverage of each file depends on the period for all the source files. The datasets included in the study aims to cover either the most comprehensive or recent data to represent the current situation. Please refer to each metadata or summary file HERE.

Spatial Coverage:

All the shapefiles covers 24 coastal towns of Connecticut. The spatial resolution for each file depends on the source file resolution. The dataset included in the study aims to cover the highest available resolution of data. Please refer to each metadata or summary file HERE.

Update Schedule:

• Recently updated on February 10, 2020.
• Next update: May 2021

Usage Restrictions:


Detailed Description:

The maps represented here aimed to describe the vulnerability of different variables concerning climate change, particularly sea-level rise. The available datasets that are considered useful to represent overall vulnerability are gridded and ranked relative to each other. The ranks represent very low vulnerability (1) to very high vulnerability (5) to represent the data in the index-based format.

The shapefile grids given below are ranked considering all the Connecticut coastal towns. If the relative vulnerability of a specific region needs to be visualized, the user should normalize the geomean attribute according to that region boundary.


For more information about the contributor and vulnerability layers, please click HERE.

Related File Naming & Structure Information:

Dataset Format and Size:
• The compressed files do not exceed 110 MB. The source file requires 450 MB space.
• The file includes GIS files with metadata documents. The folders are in zipped format.
• The map packages are under 100 MB.


Summary table for contributor and vulnerability layers

ALL Viewer Files: include the compressed folders of the contributor and vulnerability layers.

Contributor Layers

Absence of Vehicles Distance from Rivers Health Insurance Population Density Soil Flooding
Aquifer Protection Areas Distance from Shelters Hydrology Quarter Household Storm Surge
Buildings Education level lower than high school Impervious Area Railways Surficial Aquifer Potential
Building, Critical Infrastructure and Coastal Structure Elderly Population Literacy Rate Roads Tidal Range
Critical Infrastructure Elevation Marsh Mitigation extend by 2055 Salt Water Limits Wave Power
Critical Habitat Employed Population Median Household Income Sea Level Rise Wind Speed
Coastal Structure Erosion Susceptibility Mobile Homes Shoreline Change Rate Young Population
Disabled Population Land Formation Multi-unit Household Single Parent Household
Distance from Healthcare Foreshore Slope Non-English Speakers Soil Drainage
Distance from I95 Habitat Pipeline and Submerged Cables Surficial Material

Vulnerability Layers

Coastal Vulnerability Saltwater Intrusion Vulnerability
Erosion Vulnerability Social Vulnerability
Natural Habitat Vulnerability Structural Vulnerability

Weighted Vulnerability Layers

Exposure Sensitivity Adaptive Capacity
Climate Exposure Built Sensitivity Built Adaptive Capacity
Physical Exposure Ecological Sensitivity Ecological Adaptive Capacity
Socio-Economic Vulnerability

Source Layers

Map Packages

Contributor Layers Vulnerability Layers Exposure, Sensitivity and Adaptive Capacity


For dataset source, please cite: Massidda, C., Onat, Y., Liu, C., Jia, Y., Balleisen, Z., Fake, T. and O’Donnell, J. (2020) Connecticut Coastal Towns Vulnerability Index Dataset, (v.1), [GIS], University of Connecticut, Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation, Retrieved from

Please note: If you acquire any data products from CIRCA, we ask that you acknowledge us in your use of the data. This may be done by including text such as “The data is provided by the UConn CIRCA, Connecticut, USA OR By citing the dataset in any documents or publications using these data.
We would also appreciate receiving a copy of the relevant publications. This will help us to justify keeping the data set freely available online in the future. Thank you!


Data Disclaimer:

This information is provided with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be correct or complete and conclusions drawn from such information are the sole responsibility of the user. Attempts have been made to ensure that this data or documentation is accurate and reliable; The University of Connecticut, nor the Department of Marine Sciences, does not assume liability for any damages caused by inaccuracies in this data or documentation, or as a result of the failure of the data or software to function in a particular manner. The University of Connecticut, nor the CIRCA, makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, or utility of this information, nor does the fact of distribution constitute a warranty.