Past Webinars

June 14, 2023 | Municipal Energy Resilience Webinar Series Part 2, Case Studies

Municipal case studies and an opportunity for discussion and questions.

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June 7, 2023 | Municipal Energy Resilience Webinar Series Part 1, Introduction

Introduction to federal and state programs supporting municipal energy resilience including incentives for solar, fuel cells and battery systems, as well as UConn Smart Building program for energy efficiency and introduction to microgrids.

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The Resilient Connecticut project focuses on regional climate planning through research and engagement to inform municipal-to-regional scale pilot projects. Phase III of Resilient Connecticut will develop seven site specific projects that build on regional assessments of extreme heat and flood vulnerabilities and the resulting 63 “Resilience Opportunity Areas” identified in Phase II. These seven new projects will include local engagement, detailed analysis, and the development of concept plans. During this webinar, attendees learned about and ask questions for the seven projects chosen in New Haven and Fairfield Counties. 

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September 27, 2022 | CT Summer Heat Wave Webinar 

Heat waves that Connecticut residents experienced this summer are expected to become more frequent and severe, which can be dangerous to human health and require additional understanding and planning. As the summer season came to a close, CIRCA hosted this webinar for participants to learn about: 1) CIRCA’s heat sensor summer research project; 2) How the City of Norwalk is taking steps to proactively address the threat of extreme heat waves; and 3) Why zoning ordinances offer an opportunity to shape land use policy and create communities more resilient to heat.

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This webinar featured NFWF’s National Coastal Resilience Fund‘s (NCRF) team of Field Liaisons, Throwe Environmental, who will describe how CT communities can take advantage of the NCRF and other funding sources.  From identifying funding opportunities to clicking “submit,” navigating the grant process can be challenging. In this webinar, participants will learn:
  1. Key tips and practices to help put together stronger, more competitive, and more successful proposals for various funding sources, including the NCRF.
  2. Opportunities to develop specific project ideas through proposal development meetings and site visits this winter/spring.
  3. Information about more sustainable approaches to funding and financing

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July 20, 2021 | Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program Outreach Webinar

CIRCA partnered with Connecticut’s Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (DEMHS) to host a webinar focusing on FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Program. Since several grants fall under the HMA umbrella, CIRCA kicked off the webinar and described the importance of this program for implementing resilience projects.
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June 2021 | Research Webinar Series

Throughout the month of June, hear about innovative Resilient Connecticut climate change research in this CIRCA "brown bag" webinar series. Focused on specific topics and condensed on time, enjoy one or all nine of these free webinars.

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March 23, 2021 | CT Climate Change Vulnerability Index Progress and New Results for Heat and Wind

Building from winter 2021 workshops, the Resilient Connecticut consultant team further described flood, heat and wind stressors through a demonstration of a Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI) map viewer. This tool will help inform regional resilience opportunities and pilot projects.

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Climate change and public helath presentations now available

September 2020 | Climate Change & Public Health Mini-Webinar Series

During this webinar series, participants learned about:

  • the latest science on climate change and public health;
  • resilience strategies for municipalities, health departments, and emergency management; and
  • and how Resilient Connecticut is integrating public health into its research and planning efforts.
Dates Topics Speakers
September 8 Climate Change & Public Health Overview Laura Bozzi, Laura Hayes, John Truscinski
September 10
Heat, Public Health, and Climate Change Mariana Fragomeni
September 15
Equity in Climate Change & Public Health Mark Mitchell
September 17
Vector-borne Disease Shannon LaDeau
September 22
Recreational Water Bill Lucey
September 24
Emergency Preparedness, Public Health & Climate Change Nicholas Elton, Michelle Deluca

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May 26, 2020 | Exploring CIRCA’s Latest Products

Through the Resilient Connecticut project, CIRCA has been working on a number of new tools and datasets to bring you the latest information on climate impacts. This type of information is critical as municipal, regional, and state planners identify priority conservation and development areas, site new infrastructure, and make long-term investments.


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March 12, 2020 | Climate Vulnerability Mapping for Municipalities

During this webinar, participants learned about:

  • How mapping helps a community understand its vulnerabilities;
  • Mapping resources currently or soon to be available; and,
  • How Resilient Connecticut is advancing climate vulnerability assessments for municipalities.


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Aerial of Hartford Skyline and Connecticut River. Riverfront parks line both sides of the river

January 16, 2020 | Community Rating Systems in Connecticut

During this webinar, participants learned about:

  • FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in Connecticut;
  • How the CRS program could increase local resiliency;
  • Real examples of actions Connecticut towns have taken to enter or ‘level-up’ in the CRS program.


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Meeting room

October 31, 2019 | Forming Local Resilience Committees

As the impacts of climate change are increasingly felt at a local level, community-driven resilience planning becomes ever-more important. CIRCA hosted staff from two coastal Connecticut towns that are in the process of forming resilience committees. Joe MacDougald, UConn faculty and a Madison resident, co-presented with Dave Anderson, Town of Madison’s Director of Planning & Economic Development, and Tom Banisch, Madison’s First Selectman. They were joined by Jessie Stratton, a member Groton’s resilience planning task force.

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September 27, 2019 | Connecticut’s Climate Report Webinar: Precipitation Projections and a New Haven Case Study

Planning for adaptation requires localized information about expected changes in climate. Until recently, the spatial scale of climate projections did not allow for detailed regional analysis. While national and international climate assessments generate consensus-based scientific summaries, this information often falls short of being usable for decision-making at the local level.

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July 23, 2019 | New Planning and Visualization Tools for Sea Level Rise

Sea level rise has multiple impacts on the Connecticut shoreline, including increased erosion rates, frequency of flooding, and coastal inundation. Recent research and planning tools generated from a “Municipal Resilience Planning Assistance Project” combines science and planning to address the resilience of vulnerable communities along Connecticut's coast to the growing impacts of climate change.

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June 28, 2019 | Regional Resilience Planning for Protection of Public Drinking Water Webinar

UConn researchers worked with the South Central Regional Council of Governments (SCRCOG) and the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority (RWA) to integrate climate change information into water planning processes for the region. With changing precipitation patterns, sea level rise, and drought anticipated due to climate change, water utility managers will benefit from the integration of climate data into regional planning.

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April 30, 2019 | Resilient Connecticut Webinar Series Kickoff

CIRCA staff gave an overview of a new project entitled, Resilient Connecticut and its focus on New Haven and Fairfield Counties. The importance of this work was introduced with a description of the latest climate projections for Connecticut’s sea level rise, temperature, and precipitation along with concerns about how these will impact critical infrastructure, transportation, and housing along the coast. The CIRCA team then described resilient design strategies being considered and opportunities for engagement in this project over the next three years. 

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