June 2020 Project Updates

Connecticut Coastal Towns Storm Annual Exceedance Probability & Return Interval

The CIRCA team reproduced the highest 44 storms between 1950-2018 using a coupled circulation and wave model. The modeled events are fit to a probability distribution to statistically estimate the annual exceedance probabilities (AEP) and return periods for expected storms. The results presented here are to highlight the storm surge water levels and significant wave heights, which may contribute to a better understanding of extreme storms and guide decision-makers. Check out the Return Interval Viewer here and the datasets here.

Coastal Vulnerability Index

The CIRCA team has developed a GIS supported index-based approach to analyze multiple scales and criteria interactively and to express an overlapped one-dimensional risk index. This coastal vulnerability index demonstrates the vulnerable regions to coastal flooding using both biophysical and socio-economic data.
Explore our Story Map about the Index and check out our dataset.

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