September 2020 Project Updates

Zones of Shared Risk Map Dataset.

“Zones of Shared Risk” are regions that face common challenges currently or expected as a result of climate change. These risks are shared among or between groups of people that may have different perspectives and priorities for coastal resilience. UConn Plant Science and Landscape Architecture Department’s Professor Peter Miniutti and his team prepared Zones of Shared Risk maps for the 14 towns in the Resilient Connecticut region. The maps include built infrastructure, hydrological, ecological, social, and institutional elements that contribute to the functioning of a place. Explore the dataset at our website

Identifying Heat Vulnerability and Land-use Influence

CIRCA partner and UConn Plant Science and Landscape Architecture department’s Assistant Professor Mariana Fragomeni and her team are advancing climate change research. The objective of their study will be to map and identify areas vulnerable to heat and cold, areas of extreme climate conditions, and the contribution of the changes in heat to vulnerability. For this purpose, CIRCA deployed 20 temperature and humidity sensors in various landscape and demographic typologies in the city of New Haven. CIRCA would like to thank the City of New Haven for their collaboration and help in selecting the locations for the sensors. The information on this project will be updated at our website.