March 2021 Project Update

Climate Change Vulnerability Index – March Webinar Materials Available
The Resilient Connecticut team hosted a webinar on March 23 to highlight new results for the Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI) mapping tool. The webinar included a brief overview of the latest flood CCVI along with a description of new heat and wind vulnerability data. Ultimately, a better understanding of how flood, heat, and wind stressors combine will inform regional resilience opportunities and pilot projects – this will be the focus of workshops to be announced in late May (be sure to read next month’s Roundup for those event updates and registration). In the meantime, check out the March 23 webinar video and a new CCVI fact sheet to learn more. 
Resilient Connecticut Collaborative Update 
The CIRCA team launched the Resilient Connecticut Collaborative (RCC) in January of this year. RCC members represent conservation, utility, real estate, historic resources, planning, agriculture, food, and environmental justice organizations. The RCC met for the second time on April 1 for a workshop on “PERSISTS”, a decision-support tool identified in the Resilient Connecticut Planning FrameworkRCC members learned about PERSISTS (Permittable, Equitable, Realistic, Safe, Innovative, Scientific, Transferable, and Sustainable) and how it will be used in the Resilient Connecticut project. A workshop exercise included two breakout groups where participants created criteria for each PERSISTS category. For example, criteria identified for “Realistic”: the proposed project is identified in an existing plan, has a design proportionate to the vulnerability, or has the potential to receive state and/or federal grant funding. Criteria will be further refined with the RCC and other project partners to support the work in Phase III of Resilient Connecticut. If you have questions, please contact Joanna Wozniak-Brown, Assistant Director of Resilience Planning